How it Works?

When offering or requesting a computer...

You fill out a quick survey, indicating where you live (country, province, city, address, postal code) and what type of device you are offering or in need of (phone, laptop, desktop, tablet). With this information our algorithm will search our database of users, to match you with someone who either needs the device you are offering or is offering the device you need!

Our algorithm works by rating the compatibility between each of the people offering/receiving, and will match you with the person which will be most convenient for you to arrange to drop off and/or pick up. This means that not only will we match you with the closest person geographically, but also the person with the device which will best suit your needs (don’t worry, we won’t arrange for you to receive a cell phone when you need a laptop)

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Copyright 2020, Vithun Vigneswaran, Nanik Adnani, Ellis Sean, Dhruv Rawat

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